Thursday, March 26, 2015

INTERNET vs REALTOR... Who wins?

I just read an article about the use of technology among the millennial generation.  Most millennial's have had the convenience of technology at their dispose their entire lives.  They cannot image life without it.  When I have conversations with my children about "when I was younger," it seems like we are from two different planets.  (I'm sure our parents felt the same way about us!)  The thought of using a stationary rotary phone is not something our children wish to even fathom.  Yes, when I was younger I had to ASK to use the phone!

So how does a Realtor or any professional fit into the equation when there is so much information available online?  You can learn to do just about anything with a little time and research on the internet.  I know because I also search online to find out why my car is making a certain noise, how to renovation projects, and new recipes to cook something different for dinner.  How do we compete with all of the information flooding the internet?

Is the internet helping our jobs or hurting us?  Some clients feel they have all the answers and want to challenge everything we say.  Have you ever told your client something and then an hour later they'll call and say, "I was looking online and it says I should...."  Does the millennial generation look to us as the EXPERT or just as the person who has access to show houses and write the contract because they aren't able to?  

Part of the problem may be some real estate professionals do not take the time to hone their craft so their seen as the expert and not the back up.  Real estate is an ever changing field and good Agents have to constantly stay one step ahead in order to be competitive and successful.  Right now the internet is a powerful tool that can be used to enhance your real estate career through the dissemination of good content to reach our savvy next generation of home buyers and sellers.  Blogging is a great way to provide relevant information to brand yourself as an expert!  Change is inevitable, so get with it or get left behind!

Tabitha  Rector-Richardson
Broker, REALTOR®

(443) 415-4215 cell
(410) 363-1535 x101 office

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